Tennessee U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett Tells Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to ‘Stay in Your Lane’ Amid Criticism of Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz

Tennessee U.S. Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) responded to a tweet by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich criticizing Florida U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL-01) “suicidal efforts to cripple the House GOP.”

“The effort to expel Matt Gaetz for being a destructive, irresponsible anti-Republican may be a step too far,” Gingrich tweeted on Sunday. “Expulsion from the House requires a two thirds vote. However expelling him from the House Republican Conference and eliminating all his committee assignments and all resources other than those an individual member is entitled to would be a rational response to his suicidal efforts to cripple the House GOP.”

Replying to Gingrich’s tweet, Burchett wrote, “Stay in your lane.”

Gingrich’s tweet came on the same day Fox News reported some House Republicans are seeking to expel Gaetz amid his threat to pursue a motion to vacate House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-20).

While appearing on CNN over the weekend, Gaetz said he intends to file a motion to vacate this week.

“Speaker McCarthy made an agreement with House conservatives in January, and since then he’s been in brazen, repeated material breach of that agreement,” Gaetz said. “This agreement that he made with Democrats to really blow past a lot of the spending guardrails we set up is a last straw.”

“I do intend to file a motion to vacate against Speaker McCarthy this week. I think we need to rip off the Band-Aid. I think we need to move on with new leadership that will be trustworthy,” Gaetz added.

While some Republicans allegedly support expelling Gaetz, others have announced their support for the Florida congressman, including Georgia U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA-14).

On Twitter, Greene said that while she does not agree with Gaetz’s motion to vacate, “a Republican-led effort to expel Matt Gaetz absolutely will not be tolerated by Republicans across the country.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Image “Rep Tim Burchett” by Rep Tim Burchett.



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11 Thoughts to “Tennessee U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett Tells Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to ‘Stay in Your Lane’ Amid Criticism of Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz”

  1. GregSchmitty

    Newt probably got a half dozen speaking engagements from defense industry contractors after that blindside on Gaetz.

  2. James Swor

    It’s time for Newt to just go away and take some RINOs with you

  3. Ms Independent

    Gingrich is a Bush man and we now know Bush and Obama’s are BFF’s. Most Republicans and Democrats are both disgusting

  4. levelheadedconservative

    I agree 100% @Joe Blow

    How about Burchett for Speaker!?! If not someone like him we will end up with another RINO

  5. Joe Blow

    Seems to me like Gaetz is the only one standing up for the average American. The establishment is mad because he is calling a spade a spade. It appears that McCarthy failed to live up to his promises when he was selected Speaker early this year. So why should he not be called out on it. The country club folks in DC – GOP and Democrat – do not like it when someone shines the light of their failure to serve the American population.

    What has Gingrich done of value since he was run out of Congress. He was a bright flash-in-the-pan way back when, but a flash-in-the-pan, nonetheless. Irrelevant today.

  6. StandwithGaetz

    I agree with Rep Birchett & I do think he is a great Rep for his District. Gingrich is saying what Murdoch wants him to say, or else he won’t be invited back as a commentator. No one else wants his expertise.
    McCarthy needs to get a clear message from the People. I’m waiting to hear from Dist 5 TN.
    McCarthy has proven he cannot be trusted to follow through with his agreement as Speaker. Has he got a side deal on Ukraine?
    Why can’t McCarthy do what he promised? If the House Members don’t put the pressure on him, there will be a CR, & more debt, open border, money pouring to kill more Ukranians.
    Zelensky is a Dictator, who like Fetterman, doesn’t own a suit. Russian speaking Ukranians want to be part of Russia. Biden stopped efforts to negotiate peace. Why would he do that, unless he is a recipient of some of the money going to Ukraine? It’s not like the Biden Crime Family isn’t getting something out of the Corrupt country. It’s a pattern.
    The media as usual is presenting Zelensky as a leader. He is Corrupt. A former dancer & comedian. He is an actor.
    Focus on our own Border. Americans can barely feed & house their own families. We don’t want to spend money on people illegally crossing our borders. PERIOD.
    Congress needs to declare the Cartels as Terrorists, & put troops on our border to keep the people in Mexico. That’s the law.
    Fentanyl is killing 300 Americans a day. It’s so bad that Narcan is available over the counter

  7. John

    Anyone claiming Burchett is one of the very best members of Congress is delusional.

    McCarthy has done nothing for 10 months but kick the can down the road and slow walk investigations. RINOs are attacking Gaetz in hopes of keeping their feckless, capitulating, coward as Speaker.

    Gingrich hit the nail on the head and Burchett needs to show the former Speaker some respect.

  8. LM

    Stand your ground, Matt!

  9. Lake Dweller

    Tim Burchett is one of the very best Members of Congress. TN is lucky to have him.

  10. Randy

    Leadership requires more than McCarthy is willing or able to muster. Either way our country deserves better. The members of the house will certainly decide. The Tennessee State Senate and State House allowed two people to serve in their ranks that did not live in the districts they purported to represent. Lack of leadership starts at home. The majority of all these governing bodies serve, but it certainly is not the public.

  11. levelheadedconservative

    It is time for McCarthy’s speakership to end. He is only perpetuating the uni-party. He is the embodiment of why so many Republicans across the country don’t trust the government.
    Don’t buy into the BS that they have to pass bills that will get through the Senate. We did not elect our Representatives to placate the Senate. Their job is to pass legislation their constituents desire. If the Senate does not do their job, we the people will hopefully correct that. The insanity of keeping things going the way they are, by using fear of a government shut down, is just that: insanity. And all the sheep get in line
